There are so many energy efficient solutions to conventional products out there but consumers are often overwhelmed about what makes the most sense for them. A lot of green products will save energy and ultimately money for your household but there are two in particular that are extremely inexpensive and make an enormous impact on your monthly bills: Faucet aerators and compact fluorescent lamps.
Faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads can save a household as much as fifty percent on their water bill. Not only will they help preserve our environment but they will also save you a bundle on your water bill: these savings will pay for your faucet aerators and low-flow showerheads within the first few months.
Even though a lot of consumers have converted to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), you'd be surprised how many have not. Not only do CFLs require far less energy to operate (They use about 1/5 of the energy a normal light bulb uses) they also last much longer than conventional light bulbs (Approximately six to ten times as long). Home depot currently sells a two pack for just under six dollars, they are more expensive to buy but they easily pay for themselves over the course of their lifetime. Not to mention light fixtures that are painstaking to access will require less maintenance.
It's always a great thing to make lifestyle choices that will help decrease our carbon footprint, and it's even better when we can do that while saving money at the same time.

by Jim Lowenstern, CEO Castles Unlimited

by Jim Lowenstern, CEO Castles Unlimited