When people face an emergency, sometimes they fall back onto credit cards-- not realizing they've just shot an arrow straight up.
This strategy is alright if you know you'll financially recover before the money you borrowed comes back to bite you. You have to move far enough forward to prevent that arrow from making you look like a unicorn.
While we're at it, The Federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau offers advice on how to protect your credit during the pandemic for people suffering a loss of income and relying on credit.
If you've rented, or got a loan, you know how important credit scores are. They can determine what rates you'll pay, and even if you get the loan/apartment you want. We won't get into it because it's a lot; this resource from the CFPB is a good place to learn more.
If you have a mortgage, the Fed's 3/20 'Rona relief bill might protect your credit, and potentially offer you financial assistance. CARES Act says if the company that services your mortgage agrees to suspend or reduce your monthly payment, and you pay on time, they cannot report you to credit bureaus for late or missed payments until 120 days after the President declares the pandemic over. This is potentially some solace for people struggling with payments due to the pandemic's affect on the job market. Click here for more on homeowner mortgage assistance.