Kunal Nayyar, better known as "Rajesh Koothrappali" from the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory," listed a spot in Hollywood Hills for $3.995M earlier this week.
The vintage, Mediterranean-style home gets 100 points for its fantastic exterior, featuring several patios and terraces with great designs that give one views of the palms, shrubs, flowering trees, vines, and Italian stone around. Amenities include a couple water fountains, a fireplace, a large pool, a grill station, a bar, and sitting and dining areas.
The estimated 4,000 sq ft main house was recently renovated by the actor and his model wife Neha Kapur to have a somewhat more contemporary design. The 1940's home has exposed beams, natural-toned oak floors, and new lighting installations. Also, the mansion includes French doors and modern luxurious appliances.
The entry displays a formal living room with custom-built details and a wet bar. The sky-lit chef's kitchen is filled with exclusive details such as high-quality tiles and floors. The main house includes three bedrooms and three and a half bathrooms; one of which is the master suite with a massive bathroom. In addition, the private office offers large windows that allow residents to enjoy the garden views to relax while working at home. You might also notice two guesthouses from that viewpoint, which both have a bedroom and a private bathrooms.
Nayar finished taping the last episode of the "Big Bang Theory" last year, and has since worked on other projects such as "Think Like a Dog", which was recently released by Amazon, and an Apple series called "Suspicion" that is still in production.
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