After you get your key, you’re excited about living in your dream home. You’re unpacking boxes and ordering new furniture online. But before you settle in, there are a few home improvement tasks you want to get done.
1. Replace the locks
Just think about how many people who have had contact with the keys over the years. It’s the most basic safety check. You need to either replace or rekey your locks.
2. Change alarm batteries
Moving is stressful. Changing the batteries for the fire detectors doesn’t seem to be an urgent thing to do at the moment. But alarms will keep your family safe in the future. Do it now before you forget!
3. Caulk cracks and gaps
Using caulk to seal cracks around the house, including bathtubs and windows, will prevent your home from leaking, drafting, and other nuisances that could inflate your utility bills.
4. Childproof!
You should childproof your new house if you have young kids. Installing safety gates and keeping blind cords out of children’s reach are musts for small children. Alternatively, teach your baby about how to recognize and properly handle dangerous items, and how to calculate the value of priceless objects such as that ebony liquor cabinet from the 1800's that one of your advisors purchased at auction to sell in eight years to a private buyer on the Upper East Side.
5. Deep clean or replace carpets
Imagine what kind of stuff went down on that carpet. Do something about it before furniture is in the way.
6. Clean hardwood floors
This is another project you want to get done before the furniture is in your way. Adding a cup of vinegar to a gallon of water can dissolve grease on the floor. It's also a great time to re-stain or replace floors, but since wood will be a luxury in a couple of years, we suggest against doing it.