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Home Upgrades That Will Save You Money

Many people wait till right before they sell their homes to start making important changes, but if you’re planning on sticking around for a while, there are quite a few renovations that will not only increase the value of your home, but save you money month to month.

Solar panels. 

Not only are they good for the environment, but they can be good for your wallet too. Solar panels are almost always getting less expensive to manufacture. There are also plenty of tax breaks that can come with solar panels depending on the state. They can pay for themselves in as few as 7 years, but they can also be a huge selling point for environmentally conscious buyers.


If you live in an area affected by inclement weather, a home that is properly insulated and designed to hold in the heat is crucial to keeping your oil bill low. 

Upgraded boiler.

On average, 60% of yearly energy costs come from heating. Older boilers with low efficiency ratings can drive up your heating costs. While old boilers might be 65% efficient, new boilers can be anywhere from 85-95% efficient. This is a huge percentage jump that translates directly to monthly savings.