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Simple Tips to Make Your Backyard Beautiful


While a quick look out the window may be enough to send you over the edge--Does the grass need cutting? Do the weeds need pulling? Have the flowers all wilted? Is the pool swarming with dead bugs? --Having access to a yard is probably one of the greatest things about owning a home.

However, if nothing good comes to mind when you think about your yard, it's time to up the ante and think about ways to transform the space into your own private oasis. Bonus points if you can make your visitors a little jealous!

While getting started may seem like too much of a burden, these ideas, may be just the motivation you need to get the wheels turning. Who knows, you may never want to set foot indoors again.

Get Cooking with an Outdoor Kitchen.
Everything's better when done outdoors, cooking included! If you don't have a lot of space--or money--to dedicate to a full-blown outdoor kitchen that can accommodate 500 of your closest friends, don't neglect the project altogether. Instead, get creative. Have a grill? What about a table and chairs? Boom. There's your kitchen.

Set the Stage with Outdoor Lighting.
While it's probably best to stay away from lighting your backyard up like the Vegas strip, there are plenty of tasteful lighting options out there. If you're not ready to fully commit, you'll want to have some solar lights or tiki torches on hand for your friends who don't quite understand that when the sun goes down, it's time to leave.

Bring On the Fire.
Have you actually driven to your local home improvement store, checked out all the fire pits in stock and walked away empty handed after telling yourself that you don't really need a fire pit? Whether you need it or not, a fire pit is a great addition to any yard. Seriously, go get one today.

Water, Water, Water...
If fire isn't really your thing, perhaps a water feature will float your boat. Create a sense of peace and calm by incorporating a small fountain or two into the space. Even a birdbath will do. If you have your sights set on something bigger, a man-made pond could be the perfect addition. Just make sure you keep it environmentally friendly.


Plant a Garden.
Have a green thumb? Great! Put it to good use and add some color and variety to your yard. And get the whole family involved while you're at it. And for those of you who love to cook, but hate shelling out money for herbs at the grocery store, take a shot at growing your own. Next time you want some basil to go with that drool-worthy Margherita pizza you threw together for tonight's dinner, you won't have to go very far.