“While we have implemented significant change at the Boston Redevelopment Authority over the past two years, this is another opportunity to improve city government and take a hard look at an agency that has a difficult legacy to overcome,” Walsh said in a prepared statement. “We are committed to transparency and accountability as we move forward, and creating a new identity for the Boston Redevelopment Authority will be an important symbol of change that underscores this progress.”
Since the audits were released, the BRA has taken strides to address some of its more critical issues, and has made an effort to better seek community engagement. The agency has brought on a new director of real estate, worked to digitize its real-estate portfolio and hired a full-time planning director.
“We have taken a holistic approach to fixing troublesome issues by strengthening our policies, making more information available to the public, staffing up in areas that were under-resourced, and taking a fresh approach to the way we work with communities,” said Brian Golden, director of the BRA, in a statement. “With substantive reforms fully underway, we now have an opportunity to address our brand, which in many ways hasn’t been altered since our inception.”
The strategic advisor will tackle issues including defining the BRA’s “organizational identity, how those values are communicated through its branding, and how to create opportunities for public feedback during the process,” the city said. The advisor would also be responsible to help implement whatever strategies are decided.
Original article via Boston Business Journal - Click Here