If you are looking for help securing a mortgage, insurance or are in need of real estate advice, these are some highly recommended professionals. For any additional information or referrals please feel free to contact us online, or directly at (617)964-3300.
Mortgage Equity Partners Craig Tanny, Vice President Office: (781) 309-1805 Cell: (781) 956-7640 Fax: (781) 309-1785 Email: CTanny@MEPloans.com |
Guaranteed Rate Allyson Kreycik, Senion Vice President of Mortgage Lending Office: (781) 439-9176 Fax: (773) 328-1559 Email: allyson@guaranteedrate.com |
Annie Mac Home Mortgage Christine Beckwith, Director of Business Development Office: (877) 536-8347 ext: 3970 Cell: (508) 981-8623 Fax: (877) 504-8370 Email: cbeckwith@annie-mac.com |
Allan Insurance Agency Inc. Jerrold N. Kameras, President Office: (978) 745-5905 Fax: (978) 745-5483 Email: jerroldkameras@onceandddone.com
Real Estate Lawyers
Skim Title & Closing Services, PC Alan B. Sharaf, Managing Partner Brookline Office: (617) 277-7887 Easton Office: (508) 230-8060 Cell: (617) 347-0474 Email: ASharaf@weclosetheloan.com |
Law Offices of Stanley N. Freedman Stanley N. Freedman, Attorney-at-law Office: (617) 916-0210 Fax: (617) 916-5325 Email: clinton404@hotmail.com 287 Langley Road Newton, MA 02459 |
Please click on the links below and visit some of our favorites sites below.
Looking for a Mortgage?
Call Greg Tanny, Mortgage Equity Partners
(781) 309-1805
Looking for a Real Estate Attorney?
Call Alan Sharaf, Esq. – SKM Title & Closing Services, P.C.
617-277-7887 or email asharaf@weclosetheloan.com
Call Brian Goodwin, Esq. – Goodwin Sichau, P.C.
877-977- 2077 or email bgoodwin@goodwinsichau.com