Scarlette Florian

Scarlette Florian

Sales Associate

The combination of Scarlette's experience and training ensures her clients always win!
Throughout her years of experience in Boston's competitive real estate market, Scarlette has
established a reputation as a highly respected and innovative agent. With her intimate
knowledge of the area and passion for selling homes, she has the ideal foundation to succeed.
She provides her clients with the highest level of service. Authenticity, caring, and
professionalism are the hallmarks of her personality, and creating value with integrity is at [...]

The combination of Scarlette's experience and training ensures her clients always win!
Throughout her years of experience in Boston's competitive real estate market, Scarlette has
established a reputation as a highly respected and innovative agent. With her intimate
knowledge of the area and passion for selling homes, she has the ideal foundation to succeed.
She provides her clients with the highest level of service. Authenticity, caring, and
professionalism are the hallmarks of her personality, and creating value with integrity is at the
heart of Scarlette's business. She takes a daily interest in the needs of her clients as well as the
success they are achieving with their personal and professional goals. Using her creativity,
strong work ethic, and excellent professionalism, Scarlette creates a warm and inclusive
environment for her clients.

Office Location

  • Newton, MA
  • 837 Beacon Street
  • Newton Centre, MA 02459


  • Languages:
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